Statement from March of Dimes on U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

June 28, 2012

Dr. Jennifer L. Howse, President of the March of Dimes, issued the following statement today:

“The March of Dimes hails the Supreme Court’s decision to reject challenges to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) and to uphold the law as constitutional. This decision represents a landmark victory for pregnant women, infants and families.

“The Affordable Care Act will extend the benefits of health coverage to millions of women, children and families who would otherwise face every illness as a potential catastrophe. This law will give more pregnant women access to prenatal, maternity and postnatal care; more children the ability to obtain lifesaving vaccines and services to ensure their healthy development; and more families the financial security of knowing that they have adequate insurance. The ACA will require that every health plan offer care for maternity coverage, in contrast to today’s individual market, where only 13 percent of plans cover maternity care.

“The March of Dimes was proud to join amicus curiae briefs in support of both the individual mandate and the Medicaid expansion in the ACA. The individual mandate is crucial to the success of key provisions of the ACA, such as the elimination of pre-existing condition exclusions, since it will enable insurers to construct a pool sufficient to share risk appropriately. The Medicaid expansion will build upon the existing state infrastructure to extend coverage and services to millions of individuals who have previously either gone without care or been unable to pay for the services they received, improving access to preconception and interconception care for women so they can be healthy before they are pregnant.

“While we clearly have many years of work ahead of us to ensure that the ACA is implemented appropriately and fulfills its potential, the March of Dimes is gratified that the Supreme Court’s decision allows this important work to go forward. We look forward to continuing our work both at the federal level and in all U.S. states and territories to improve the health of pregnant women, infants, children and families.”

Christine Sanchez (571-257-2307)
[email protected]