March of Dimes Response To The President's FY 2014 Budget

April 10, 2013

Dr. Jennifer L. Howse, President of the March of Dimes, issued the following statement on the President’s Fiscal Year 2014 budget:

“The March of Dimes looks forward to working with the President and Congress to secure enactment of a budget that maintains investments in lifesaving research and essential services, including prenatal and well-child care, immunizations, and access to specialty services for children with birth defects or chronic conditions.

“We are deeply concerned, however, over the Administration’s proposal to cap tax deductions for charitable contributions. At a time when non-profit organizations are experiencing record demand for their services and reduced revenue, every effort should be made to encourage, not limit, charitable giving. Congress should once more set this recommendation aside.

“Particularly noteworthy and commendable in the President’s budget is the absence of any significant cuts to Medicaid, which currently pays for over 40 percent of births annually. Protecting and extending Medicaid coverage is a key aspect of successful implementation of the Affordable Care Act, and the March of Dimes anticipates that almost one-third of adults newly eligible for Medicaid coverage will be women of childbearing age.

“There is no question that decisions made to bring our deficit and debt under control are going to be difficult. Such decisions, however, should not come at the expense of women, children, and families, or the measurable gains we have made in improving public health.”

Nate Brown (202-292-2755)
[email protected]